7.6 Trade and the World Economy

Neoliberal policies are economic policies that promote free market principles, such as deregulation , liberalization , and privatization . These policies are designed to increase the role of the private sector in the economy and reduce the role of the government.

Here are a few examples of neoliberal policies:

New Organizations

Neoliberal policies, including free trade agreements, have created new organizations, spatial connections, and trade relationships, such as the EU, World Trade Organization (WTO) , Mercosur , and OPEC, that foster greater globalization.


The EU is a regional organization that promotes economic, political, and social integration among its member states, which are primarily located in Europe. The EU has its own institutions, such as the European Parliament and the European Commission , and it has the authority to make decisions that are binding on its member states.


The WTO is an international organization that promotes free trade and the liberalization of international trade. It sets rules and standards for international trade, and its member states agree to abide by these rules as part of their membership.


Mercosur is a regional trade bloc in South America that promotes economic integration among its member states, which include Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. It aims to create a common market among its member states and to encourage trade with other countries.


The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is an intergovernmental organization of 13 oil-producing countries that aims to coordinate and unify the petroleum policies of its member states. OPEC has the ability to influence global oil prices through its control of a significant portion of the world's oil reserves and its ability to regulate oil production.

These are in Unit 4 in more detail as supranational organizations .

Supranational Organizations

A supranational organization is an international organization that operates above the level of individual nation-states. It is a type of international organization that has powers and functions that go beyond those of traditional international organizations, and its member states are willing to cede some of their sovereignty to the organization in order to achieve a common goal.

Here are a few examples of supranational organizations:

Comparative and Complementary Advantage

Comparative advantage refers to the ability of a country, firm, or individual to produce a good or service at a lower opportunity cost than other producers. It is a concept in international trade that explains why countries specialize in the production of certain goods and services and trade with other countries to obtain the goods and services that they cannot produce as efficiently.

Complementary advantage refers to the ability of two countries to complement each other's production through trade. This occurs when each country has a comparative advantage in producing different goods or services, and they can both benefit from specializing in their respective areas of comparative advantage and trading with each other.

Here are a few examples of comparative and complementary advantage:


The US, Mexico, and Canada used to be in a free-trade relationship called NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) that had a full removal of all tariffs (taxes on goods that cross international borders). These tariffs created more trade (free trade for that matter) between these 3 countries especially in booming border towns along the borders of each country. Free Trade also allowed for maquiladoras to be built in Mexico that sadly exploited poor Mexican migrant workers. These maquiladoras did, on the other hand, allow for cheaper and quicker manufacturing of products to be sold in the NAFTA zone.

Here are a few examples of how NAFTA has impacted trade between the member countries:

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The European Union

The economies of the EU have been interdependent (reliant on each other to succeed) because they are all members of the Eurozone and use the same currency. The countries go through prosperity together when their economies flourish and when they have trade surpluses. They also go through rough times together like in Greece where the country’s economy has started to fail and default on all of their foreign investment.

Since Greece is struggling and they are an EU member country, the other EU member countries like France and Germany must support them. Since Greece was struggling and the UK was in a flourishing economy, the British wanted to “ Brexit ” or leave the EU since they were only losing money supporting Greece.

Here are a few examples of how the EU has impacted its member states:

Image Courtesy of Wikipedia

Key Terms to Review ( 20 )

Austerity : Austerity refers to a set of economic policies aimed at reducing government deficits during periods of financial crisis, often through cuts in public spending, tax increases, or a combination of both. These measures are typically implemented to stabilize an economy but can lead to significant social impacts, including increased unemployment and reduced public services.

Brexit : Brexit refers to the United Kingdom's (UK) decision to leave the European Union (EU), which was formally initiated following a referendum held on June 23, 2016. This historic vote revealed a divided nation, with 51.9% voting to leave, marking a significant shift in trade relationships and economic policies for the UK and the EU. The ramifications of Brexit extend beyond just trade, affecting immigration, regulatory standards, and geopolitical dynamics, reshaping the landscape of the world economy.

Comparative Advantage : Comparative advantage is an economic principle that describes how countries or individuals can benefit from specializing in the production of goods or services for which they have a lower opportunity cost compared to others. This concept emphasizes that trade can be beneficial, as it allows nations to produce what they are most efficient at, thus enhancing overall economic welfare. By focusing on their comparative advantages, countries can trade and gain access to a wider variety of goods and services.

Complementary Advantage : Complementary advantage refers to the economic concept where two or more regions or countries benefit from trade because they possess different resources, skills, or capabilities that complement each other. This relationship fosters greater efficiency and productivity, as it allows each region to focus on what they do best while relying on others for additional needs. It plays a crucial role in understanding the dynamics of global trade and how interconnected economies can thrive together.

Deregulation : Deregulation refers to the process of reducing or eliminating government rules and restrictions on businesses and industries, aiming to promote free-market competition and enhance economic efficiency. This shift often encourages innovation and growth, but can also lead to market failures and increased inequality if not managed properly.

EU (European Union) : The European Union (EU) is a political and economic union of 27 European countries that have chosen to cooperate closely in various areas, including trade, governance, and social policy. This collaboration aims to foster economic integration, ensure free movement of goods and people, and promote peace and stability within Europe, fundamentally impacting global trade dynamics and the world economy.

European Commission : The European Commission is the executive body of the European Union, responsible for proposing legislation, enforcing EU laws, and managing the day-to-day operations of the EU. It plays a crucial role in shaping trade policy and ensuring that member states adhere to common regulations, thus facilitating smooth trade relations within the global economy.

European Parliament : The European Parliament is one of the key institutions of the European Union (EU), representing the interests of EU citizens and playing a crucial role in shaping European legislation. It works alongside the European Commission and the Council of the European Union to enact laws, oversee budgets, and influence policies related to trade, the economy, and other important areas affecting member states. As a directly elected body, it reflects the democratic values of the EU, allowing citizens to participate in governance at a supranational level.

Eurozone : The Eurozone is a monetary union of European Union (EU) member states that have adopted the euro (€) as their official currency. This union facilitates economic integration, trade, and financial stability among its members, which share a common monetary policy governed by the European Central Bank (ECB). The Eurozone plays a crucial role in the world economy by influencing trade relations, investment patterns, and economic policies across Europe and beyond.

Free Trade : Free trade is an economic policy that allows goods and services to be traded across borders with little to no government interference, such as tariffs or quotas. This concept promotes open markets, encourages competition, and enhances economic efficiency by allowing countries to specialize in the production of goods where they have a comparative advantage. In the context of trade and the world economy, free trade is a driving force that shapes global economic relationships and influences international commerce.

Liberalization : Liberalization refers to the process of reducing restrictions and regulations in various sectors, primarily in trade and economics, to encourage more free-market principles. This concept is often tied to the removal of tariffs, quotas, and other barriers that hinder international trade, promoting greater competition and efficiency in the global economy. As economies liberalize, they often experience increased foreign investment and participation in global markets, which can lead to economic growth and development.

Maquiladoras : Maquiladoras are manufacturing plants located in Mexico, often near the U.S. border, that assemble imported materials into finished goods for export. These facilities play a crucial role in the global supply chain, utilizing low labor costs and favorable trade agreements to attract foreign investment and produce products primarily for the U.S. market.

Mercosur : Mercosur, or the Southern Common Market, is a regional trade bloc in South America established in 1991 to promote free trade and economic integration among its member countries. It originally included Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay, and later welcomed Venezuela and several associate members. By reducing trade barriers and increasing cooperation, Mercosur aims to enhance economic growth and political stability in the region, impacting trade patterns and relationships within the world economy.

Monetary Policy : Monetary policy refers to the actions taken by a country's central bank to manage the money supply and interest rates to achieve economic goals such as controlling inflation, maximizing employment, and stabilizing the currency. This policy plays a crucial role in the global economy, affecting trade balances, currency values, and international investments.

NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) : NAFTA is a trade agreement enacted in 1994 between the United States, Canada, and Mexico aimed at eliminating trade barriers and promoting economic cooperation. By reducing tariffs and allowing for the free flow of goods and services, NAFTA has significantly influenced trade patterns in North America, fostering economic interdependence and encouraging investment across borders.

Neoliberal Policies : Neoliberal policies refer to a set of economic principles that promote free markets, deregulation, and reduction of government intervention in the economy. These policies are rooted in the belief that open markets and competition lead to economic growth, and they emphasize privatization of state-owned enterprises and fiscal austerity measures. Neoliberalism connects to global trade dynamics and theories of development by advocating for the integration of economies into the global marketplace and prioritizing market-driven solutions over state-led initiatives.

OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) : OPEC is an intergovernmental organization founded in 1960, consisting of oil-producing countries that collaborate to manage the supply and price of oil in the global market. This organization plays a crucial role in influencing the world economy by coordinating production levels among member countries to stabilize oil prices, which are vital for international trade and economic stability.

Privatization : Privatization is the process of transferring ownership of a public sector enterprise or service to private individuals or organizations. This shift often aims to improve efficiency, reduce government spending, and foster competition in the market. In practice, privatization can significantly impact trade dynamics and urban infrastructure development by altering how services are managed and funded.

Supranational Organizations : Supranational organizations are entities formed by three or more nations that transcend national boundaries, allowing member states to collaborate on common goals and governance. These organizations play a significant role in facilitating trade, addressing political power dynamics, managing challenges to sovereignty, and influencing political processes through collective decision-making and policy implementation.

World Trade Organization (WTO) : The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an international organization that regulates trade between nations, aiming to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably, and freely as possible. Established in 1995, the WTO provides a framework for negotiating trade agreements, resolving disputes, and monitoring national trade policies, playing a vital role in the interconnected world economy.