New psychoactive substances (NPS)

A new psychoactive substance (NPS) is defined as 'a new narcotic or psychotropic drug, in pure form or in preparation, that is not controlled by the United Nations drug conventions, but which may pose a public health threat comparable to that posed by substances listed in these conventions'. The EMCDDA plays an active role in the monitoring, assessment and control of new and potentially threatening narcotic and psychotropic drugs (natural and synthetic alike) as they appear on the European drug scene. This page is a starting point to learn more about NPS as well as the agency's work in this area.

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EU Early Warning System on NPS

The EU Early Warning System (EWS), operated by the EMCDDA in close cooperation with Europol, plays a central role in supporting national- and EU-level preparedness and responses to new psychoactive substances (NPS). In operation since 2005, it comprises those two agencies, 29 national early warning systems across Europe, the European Medicines Agency and the European Commission.


Publications by the EMCDDA on this topic

EU Drug Market: New psychoactive substances — In-depth analysis EU Drug Market: New psychoactive substances — Introduction EU Drug Market: New psychoactive substances — Key findings and threat assessment EU Drug Market: New psychoactive substances — Global context EU Drug Market: New psychoactive substances — Overview of production EU Drug Market: New psychoactive substances — Distribution and supply in Europe

EU Drug Market: New psychoactive substances — Distribution and supply in Europe: Synthetic cathinones

EU Drug Market: New psychoactive substances — Distribution and supply in Europe: Semi-synthetic cannabinoids

EU Drug Market: New psychoactive substances — Distribution and supply in Europe: New opioids EU Drug Market: New psychoactive substances — Distribution and supply in Europe: Benzodiazepines EU Drug Market: New psychoactive substances — Distribution and supply in Europe: Ketamine

EU Drug Market: New psychoactive substances — Actions to address current threats and increase preparedness