Buy Sell Partnership Agreement

For any entrepreneur to start establishing a business with other partners, one of the necessaries is a sample buy sell partnership agreement. The agreement protects all the parties and companies in case something happens. Further, if an exit happens for one of the business partners a sample buy sell partnership agreement is significant. Without such an agreement, most variables could emerge, such include family members. Other variables include other parties that take control ownership or control the stake. Such mostly happens without initiatives for success.

Evaluation and ensuring fair value for the business

A sample buy sell partnership agreement ensures the stakeholders all agree on the business’s fair value either by the total value or through earnings, sales, and assets. The sample buy sell partnership agreement prevents any unfortunate events in the future where questions arise on valuation. This part of the sample buy sell partnership agreement needs to be continuously updated, as each business’s valuation will change over time. Partners should be careful in another area of how the valuation clause in the contract is worded, especially between what is considered a fair value and a fair market value. Other terms can also have different implications on the actual value understood by the business ownership, attorneys, financial advisors, and other parties during a triggering event of a sample buy sell partnership agreement.

Providing a structure for the sample buy sell partnership agreement

Most businesses have selected several structures for a sample buy sell partnership agreement. Nonetheless, there are two common structures that are used by most business entities. Such include an entity-redemption or a cross-purchase structure. Thus, an entity-redemption structure ensures the business holds the liability to purchase the ownership stock or interest of the partner leaving the company. In comparison, the cross-purchase structure allows for each remaining owner to acquire the stock previously owned by the partner leaving the company. With any structure, business owners may elect to write into the agreement provisions where a certain percentage of stock is transferred to a surviving benefactor or offered to potential investors.

Clarity of the sample buy sell partnership agreement

Among the most significant aspects of a sample buy sell partnership agreement is having clear, concise, and unambiguous language throughout the document. More importantly, any ambiguity in the contract can be an opening for conflict and potential litigation. If the outlined procedures and company value and assets in the agreement are not clearly defined, assessment of value, structure, and next steps may be at the hands of parties outside of the business owners. Take the time to have an experienced team of attorneys and financial advisors draft and carefully review a sample buy sell partnership agreement to avoid conflict and potentially save the business ownership financial hardship.

Provision of funding for the sample buy sell partnership agreement

If any trigger event ever occurs, the agreement will move the business’s financial assets per the agreement’s language. Part of the sample buy sell partnership agreement should include the source of the funds. While using the existing assets such as savings, previously agreed-upon payments, loans, financing, or other means, many businesses also turn to life insurance. Depending on the company, life insurance could be among the most efficient means to source money upon the departure of a business owner.

Provisions for repurchase of sample buy sell partnership agreements

A sample buy sell partnership agreement can help businesses specify the terms of repurchase. Such could include how a repurchase could occur, from what is initially owed, with a balance financed over a period of time, and with what interest rate. The partners should be clear on the terms in the agreement, especially on financing. Further, the interest rates fluctuate over time, and the business owners must review and understand rates and other terms before finalizing the buy-sell agreement.

Contents of a sample buy sell partnership agreement

A sample buy sell partnership agreement includes terms like transferring owner shall have the right to sell, transfer, or dispose of any or all of an ownership interest, for consideration or otherwise, unless he or she delivers to the company written Notice of Intent to Transfer the interest stating the name and the address of the proposed transferee and the terms and conditions of the proposed transfer. Delivery of this notice shall be deemed an offer by the transferring owner to sell to the company and the continuing owners the interest proposed to be transferred.

If the proposed transfer is a sale of the owner’s interest, these terms shall include

the price to be paid for the interest by the proposed transferee as per the sample buy sell partnership agreement. It shall also include a copy of the offer to purchase the interest on these terms, dated and signed by the proposed transferee, shall be attached to the notice.

  1. Right of retiring owner to force a sale

An owner that voluntarily retires or quits the company’s employ can require the

company and the continuing owners to buy all, but not less than all, of his or her

ownership interest. Such is done by delivering to the company at least sixty days before departing a notice of intention to force a sale. The preceding is highlighted in the sample buy sell partnership agreement.

The notice shall include the date of departure, the name and address of the owner, a description and amount of the owner’s interest in the company, and a statement that the owner wishes to force a sale due to the owner’s retirement as provided in this provision. The price to be paid, the manner of payments, and other terms of the purchase shall be according to this section. Further, the “Agreement Price” and “Payment Terms” sections of the sample buy sell partnership agreement apply. An owner that requests the purchase of an interest is referred to as a retiring owner.

An owner that becomes permanently and totally disabled, and such disability lasts

for a substantial period, either consecutively or cumulatively. He or she is also deemed to have offered his or her ownership interest to the company and the continuing owners for sale as per the sample buy sell partnership agreement. The company and the continuing owners shall then have an option, but not an obligation to purchase all or part of the ownership interest within 60 days after the date on which the company receives notice or becomes aware of the event triggering the Option to Purchase. The price to be paid, the manner of payments, and other terms of the purchase shall be according to this section and the “Agreement Price” and

“Payment Terms” sections of a sample buy sell partnership agreement.

An owner that is unable to perform his or her regular duties is considered

disabled. If disability insurance is used to fund a buyout under this provision, the

insurance company shall establish whether an owner is disabled; without disability

insurance, the owner’s doctor will establish whether an owner is disabled. An owner

who becomes disabled according to this section is referred to as a “disabled owner”.

  1. The right of disabled owner to force a sale

An owner that becomes permanently and totally disabled, and such disability lasts for a significant time also has another option in a sample buy sell partnership agreement.

He or she can require the company and the continuing owners to buy all, but not less than all of his or her ownership interest. This can be done by delivering to the company, within 30 days of the expiration of the waiting period, a notice of intention to force a sale in writing.

Such a notice required by the sample buy sell partnership agreement shall include the name and address of the owner, a description and amount of the owner’s interest in the company. It also includes a statement that the owner wishes to force a sale due to disability as provided in this provision. The price to be paid, the manner of payments, and other terms of the purchase shall be according to this section and the “Agreement Price” and “Payment Terms” parts of the sample buy sell partnership agreement.

Moreover, an owner is who is unable to perform his regular duties is considered disabled. If disability insurance is used to fund a buyout under this provision, the insurance company shall establish whether an owner is disabled; without disability insurance, the owner’s doctor will establish whether an owner is disabled. An owner who becomes disabled according to this section is referred to as a “disabled owner”

in the sample buy sell partnership agreement.

  1. Option of the company and continuing owners to purchase the interest of the deceased’s owner

An owner that dies and the executor or administrator of the estate or the trustee of a

trust holding the ownership interest are deemed to have offered the deceased

owner’s interest to the company. Further, the same is deemed offered to the continuing owners for sale as of the date of the notice of death received orally or in writing by the company. The company and the continuing owners shall then have an option, but not an obligation to purchase all or part of the ownership interest

within sixty days. This is after the date on which the company receives notice or

becomes aware of the death.


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