Domestic Violence Against Women: Relevance, Reflections, and Public Policies

Domestic violence refers to frequent violent behavior or a pattern of coercive control undertaken, directly or indirectly, by individuals with or without consanguinity and who have a power relationship (intimate partners, family members, households, and sporadically), especially in the domestic environment, but not exclusively, given that it can be perpetrated at home, at work, in the street, in the leisure, and in other spaces than the private one. For, what qualifies this type of violence is the predominance of affective bonds between the aggressor and the victim, this condition, therefore, distinguishes domestic violence from non-domestic violence.

This entry proposes to take an approach on domestic violence (also called intrafamily/family violence) against women, with the aim of producing a reflection on the phenomenon and contributing to the understanding and debate of the issue.

Understanding Domestic Violence

Domestic violence against women translates as a form of.